Curriculum Intent

We are committed to broadening the sporting experiences of our students and developing individual talents to their highest level, whilst developing a lifelong love of exercise and sport.

Our curriculum has three clear aims:

Develop knowledge of key skills and concepts that underpin sporting performance

From this understanding of each sport and a recognition of where individual strengths lie, students can make informed choices about which activities they wish to persue beyond school.  In doing so, our learners will be in a better position to lead an active lifestyle that will aid their health.

Instil a sound knowledge of the importance of fitness and exercise and how this contributes towards health

A thorough understanding of health will enable students to understand the physical, mental and social benefits of exercise.  The curriculum will provide students with knowledge of physical training and the benefits to be gained from an active lifestyle.

Through PE develop a range of personal attributes including teamwork, respect, discipline and decision making

A knowledge and understanding of these attributes is applicable in all areas of life in the future, to provide our students with skill set to be successful in whatever passion they choose to pursue.  Furthermore, it teaches students how to cope with success and failure.


The curriculum focuses on developing necessary core knowledge to develop a deep understanding of the subject.  The structure of curriculum supports this by revisiting key principles related to effective performance in a range of sports.  This knowledge will enable students to succeed in competitive sport and other physical demanding activities.  Also, acquisition of such knowledge will enable students to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness.  Lastly, each time a student returns to a sport that they have studied previously there will be greater complexity and challenge that utilises prior knowledge to further develop understanding.

It is important students see how knowledge can be transferred between different sports within PE.  An example of this is the principle of attack; within an invasion game this would link to finding space to get free to receive a pass from a teammate.  Whereas in a net/wall game such as badminton this would link to placing the shuttle in space, making it difficult for the opponent to return the shot.  The underpinning knowledge is understanding that space is useful when attacking but the context in which it is applied changes depending upon the game being played.  This knowledge is further developed at KS4 in examination PE where students are required to analyse and improve their sporting performances, whilst utilising knowledge of the components of fitness which is initially acquired at KS3.

To develop long term memory, regular recall and retrieval of key knowledge must take place.  We facilitate this through regular practice of key skills, game play and use of key vocabulary throughout a topic.  At KS4 regular low stakes testing is used in order to promote the acquisition of subject knowledge and vocabulary.

Physical Education curriculum offer

KS3 and KS4: Students study a variety of sports during their core PE lessons.

KS4: Students study the following courses at KS4: GCSE PE (Edexcel).

Use of Assessment

The purpose and objectives of assessment in our curriculum are to ascertain knowledge acquisition and application.

To ensure all assessments are accurate we will conduct all examinations in exam style conditions under strict supervision.  Staff will moderate and standardise every summative assessment including clear guidance and materials within department meeting time.

Teachers in our department will use a range of everyday assessment approaches including self and peer assessment, low stakes quizzes, frequent in-class questioning and verbal feedback.

We will carry out ‘high stakes’ formative assessments at the end of each half term (key stage 3).  Students will be assessed against a range of criteria that assess their knowledge of a sport and theory concepts of the body works.  This will allow students to identify their areas of strength and areas for development across a range of different sporting activities, whilst providing them with a foundation theoretical knowledge which can be built upon at GCSE PE.

At key stage four the type of ‘high stakes’ assessments that we use are mock exam style questions and assessment materials from Edexcel GCSE PE.  These are done by students who have opted to study the subject at examination level.  All assessments are carried out in controlled conditions.

Analysis of the outcomes of high stakes testing allows students to identify areas of strength and weakness and gaps in their learning.  For teachers it enables us to improve our teaching and curriculum design to ensure students can achieve their potential.


The intended impact of curriculum will be evident from the following sources:

  • Knowledge assessment scores
  • GCSE outcomes of KS4
  • Involvement in extra-curricular activities

The end point we are building towards with our students is that they are prepared to participate in regular physical activity and sport beyond school, with an understanding that irrespective of the activity chosen regular involvement ensures a positive outcome for health and wellbeing.  This in turn ensures our students are fit for purpose and able to make a positive contribution towards society.