Catch-Up Premium – Literacy and Numeracy
DfE Literacy and Numeracy Catch-up Premium funding provided schools with funding for students who did not achieve expected national standard in Reading and/or Maths in the National Curriculum Tests at the end of Key Stage 2. The “ring-fenced” funds were provided to all state-funded schools with a Year 7 cohort and were spent on provision which enabled the students to “catch-up” with their peers during the first year of Key Stage 3.
The final year of payments was for the 2019-20 academic year. The action plans can be found via the links below:
Recovery Premium
First introduced for the 2020-21 academic year The DFE Covid-19 Catch-up premium is funding available to the academy as part of a programme to recover the learning lost during the pandemic. This is especially important for the most vulnerable pupils and pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds who we know have been most affected.
Recovery premium allocations for mainstream schools are based on pupil premium eligibility. This includes:
- pupils who are eligible for free school meals (FSM), including eligible children of families who have no recourse to public funds (NRPF)
- pupils who have been eligible for FSM at any point in the last 6 years
- children looked after by local authorities, referred to as looked-after children (LAC), and children previously looked after by local authorities, referred to as previously looked-after children (PLAC)
However, it should also be noted that the funding can also be used to support any pupils identified by the academy who are in need of this support.
Recovery premium allocations will be calculated on a per pupil basis, with £276 per eligible pupil in secondary schools (2022-23).
The higher rate for secondary schools reflects evidence that the pandemic has had a greater impact on these pupils’ learning and that these pupils have less time remaining in secondary school.
The Academy has developed an approach to support these pupils by focusing on three key areas from the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) tiered approach:
Teaching– CPD to support key teaching and learning strategies Behaviour for Learning, Accurate assessment of pupil progress and appropriate intervention, Social and Emotional Learning, ICT Infrastructure, Remote Learning Access.
Targeted Academic Support– Structured interventions, Literacy and Numeracy Catch Up, holiday revision sessions.
Wider Aspects – Effective remote learning, ICT and Behaviour for learning, Well-being.
The initial action plan can be found via the links below:
The 2021-22 Recovery Premium Plan and those for subsequent years can be found within the Pupil Premium Strategy, as per the DFE conditions of grant documentation.