Careers Guidance
If any support is required please see or contact Mrs Dalowsky or your form tutor. The aim of Careers Education at Winterton Community Academy is to provide pupils with the information and skills to choose the best possible route for themselves when they leave.
September – December: Visiting speakers will attend Year 11 PSHE lessons/Assemblies to give students as much information as possible about post 16 studies. Training and employment options will also be presented to pupils.
September – December: All students in year 11 will have 1:1 careers advice from a Level 6 careers advisor offering impartial advice.
October – Careers Fair
– Support with C.V. writing with ONGO
December: Students will spend time writing personal statements during tutorial time for the application process for post 16 education.
January – March: Employer Encounters
March / April: Individual college visits if required.
August: Results!
Please ask your form tutor / Mrs Dalowsky for advice about your options. It is your choice, and so you need to be informed about what is out there!
Year 10: October – Visit to University
October – Careers Fair
October – Small Group Careers Discussions
June / July – Visits to John Leggott College, North Lindsey College and Bishop Burton.
Year 9: October – Careers Fair
January – March: Employer Encounters
February – Options information
Year 8: Visit to University
January – March: Employer Encounters
Year 7: Visit to University
January – March: Employer Encounters
In addition to PSHE all students in years 7 to 11 also undertake a careers session every half term in Personal Development.